A new resonating heart in a renovated recent heritage monument
On April 28th 2017 the Kulturpalast new concert hall is festively re-opened with a brilliant collection of music pieces "Ode to Joy".
Conductor Michael Sanderling travels with the Dresdner Philharmonie through a musical soundscape from the Festly Overture of Schostakowitsch to the Mendelsohn Violin Concerto and from Schubert lieder to Beethoven's 9th Symphony. It fully shows the diverse capabilities of the new symphonic concert hall, the sound of the orchestra, round and warm, yet brilliant and transparent. Every listeners seat is visually and acoustically very close to the stage, surrounded by sound, which creates a feeling of taking part in the musical experience.
The monumental Kulturpalast also accommodates the city library and the cabaret "Herkuleskeule", which are opened at the 29th of April. The combination of these cultural organizations returns "the Kulti", as the Dresdner citizens like to call their building, into an inspiring, living city centre for cultural events and coming together.
One day prior to the opening night all people involved in the realization of the project were invited for a final rehearsal. What a very intimate moment it was, for the musicians of the Dresdner Philharmonie, the staff of the municipality, the design team and the construction workers, to share the first musical sounds in fully occupied hall. It was a real ode to joy for everyone to see and hear the final result of this project in which everyone had their part.
For the musicians finally a dream came true. The orchestra did not have a real classical concert hall in their almost 150 years of existence. After the final rehearsal the musicians were really excited about the acoustics:
" I have the impression that the sound we play into the audience, returns quasi gold-plated "
" The last years I only fought against my instrument, from the first moment in the new hall we are friends again "
“ I never want to play in another hall anymore”
" The hall is overwhelming. It impresses with his warmth und acoustic sense of security ".
Project information Kulturpalast Dresden:
New concert hall: 1760 audience capacity, 21.500 m³
Cabaret: 240 audience capacity
City library: 5.500 m²
Total floor area: 37.062 m² (concert hall, cabaret, library, offices, foyers and rehearsal rooms)
Client: KID Kommunales Immobilienmanagement Dresden GmbH & Co KG
Architect: gmp Berlin
Consultancy work: room and building acoustics
Duration: 2009 - 2017
Festakt zur Eröffnung des Kulturpalastes
Das Geheimnis vom perfekten Klang
Artikel uit BTR 2017 - Special edition: Planning-Building-Using:
Kultur im Zentrum - Neu belebt, Die wiederöffnung Kulturpalast Dresden