Ministerie van Economische Zaken (v/h LNV)

The current building of the Ministry of Agriculture was renovated during the period of 2006 till 2013. During this renovation, for all 35 meeting rooms, restaurant, Auditorium, entrance hall, etc audiovisual designs were made by Peutz. Communication with a wide variety of other consultants, architect, end-users for over 7 years made this a challenging project. Only a few project-leaders were consistently present in this project, but the project-manager and designer of AV-mediatechnique by Peutz was one of them. As AV-equipment evolves over the years, we had to change the AV-designs as well, taking into account the uniformity of user interface. As it was a renovation project, the AV-design used the existing infrastructure, with some additions. Some meeting rooms could be designed as a standard, used at several locations. Other (ministry) meeting rooms are monumental, so specific AV-designs were designed to optimise sight-lines to participants as well as video-screens. Acoustics and discussion systems could be optimised to one another, in order to maximise the speech intelligibility. 

Rijksgebouwendienst (RGD)
Den Haag
Room acoustic and building physics consultancy. Also the complete AV-Mediatechnique consultancy from starting point (defining user wishes), preliminary design, final design, tender document, tender procedure and measurements at completion. With this last step, a check is performed if all design criteria have been met by the AV-contractor.